Updated statement on phased return to sailing at PSC – issued 5th June 2020


Priory Sailing Club opened for a phased return to sailing on 16th May and during the last three weeks many members have enjoyed being back on the water at PSC.


We are back on the water, but you won’t be surprised to hear that it is not business as usual. The current regulations allow us to sail for exercise but not to operate the club with its normal range of training, racing and social activities. We have implemented a plan to provide as much opportunity for as many members as possible to get as much sailing exercise as possible.


PSC members can come to the club on any day of the week to sail on our lake. They may use their own craft, or a PSC boat that they have adopted and had ‘handed over’.


In addition to our normal Sailing Rules and Club Byelaws there are some supplementary measures that you will be required to observe in relation to the additional risks that the Covid -19 virus presents to our wellbeing.


These measures are in place to encourage members to come to the club to exercise, in the knowledge that the risks on our site are being managed and minimised. We are confident that after our period of Lockdown the principle of looking after each other by following the recommended guidance is well understood and will be respected by our members.


In drawing up our procedures we have followed Government and RYA guidance.


Our additional Covid 19 measures include –


  • You should not come to the club if you have Covid 19 symptoms. If you have had contact with a work colleague, family or household member who is unwell with the symptoms of Covid-19 you should not attend the club for a minimum of 14 days.
  • You should not come to the club if you have been contacted by the NHS test and trace service because you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus.
  • Members must practice social distancing at the club at all times, on and off the water. This means that you cannot sail your boat with anyone who is not in your household as a crew, additionally we should avoid touching other members’ craft or trolleys.
  • The clubhouse is closed and none of the facilities of the clubhouse are available. You may decide to get changed at home – please be discreet if you are changing on the car park!
  • The downstairs toilet is available, please follow the instructions provided to keep it clean. This area should not be used as a changing room.
  • Caution will be required when opening and closing the main gate; the use of gloves and /or hand sanitizer should be considered. The gate should remain closed (not necessarily locked) to avoid casual visits by other Park users.
  • The lake is open to enable you to exercise, not socialise, i.e. please don’t come for a BBQ or picnic.
  • Sail conservatively i.e. sail well within your capabilities to avoid accidents and 999 calls. Remember that you are sailing independently and that there is no safety boat cover. You can of course arrange to sail at the same time as another boat owning member; you could use our members’ only Facebook page to seek a sailing buddy if you wish.
  • You should carry out thorough pre sail checks on your equipment – particularly if it has laid dormant for many months.
  • We are temporarily suspending members’ rights to bring guests to the club.
  • Club craft are only to be used in accordance with the procedures outlined by the Committee – see separate document ‘Arrangements for Adopting a Boat 2020’.

If you are unclear about any of the arrangements that we are implementing please do contact me, or any committee member.

We have in place signage to remind everyone of the social distancing requirements and also have provided hand sanitizer in a couple of outside locations. As always it is important that you take your own rubbish home with you.

We are regularly reviewing the advice and the procedures that we have put in place.

When we closed the club back in March I said that ‘it may take a while, but the lake will still be there, and when the sun shines and the wind blows PSC will once again be the place to be – and of course we’ll have a BIG party!’ I’m pleased to report that the lake is still there and that we can now exercise on the water in the sunshine – we just need to wait a little longer for the party!

Best wishes to all.

Tim Hewett

PSC Commodore

5th June  2020